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Long-term ayahuasca use is associated with preserved global cognitive function and improved memory: a cross-sectional study with ritual users


Although several studies have been conducted to elucidate the relationship between psychedelic consumption and cognition, few have focused on understanding the longterm use in:uence of these substances on these variables, especially in ritualistic contexts.  To verify the in:uence of ritualistic ayahuasca consumption on the cognition of experienced ayahuasca religious users (> 20 years) and beginners (< 3 years), which participated in rituals of the Centro Luz Divina (CLD), a Santo Daime church in Brazil. Observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was carried out in which 48 people participated divided into three groups: (a) experienced ayahuasca users (n = 16), (b) beginner ayahuasca users (n = 16) and (c) control group (n = 16). All groups were matched by sex, age, and education and contained 8 women and 8 men. Cognition was assessed with the WASI (intelligence quotient), Digit Span (verbal working memory), Corsi BlockTapping Task (visuospatial-related and working memory), Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure test (visual perception, immediate memory), and Wisconsin Card Sorting and Five Digit Test (executive functions). Groups were homogenous in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, with participants presenting average intellectual performance. There was no evidence of cognitive decline amongst ayahuasca users. The experienced group showed higher scores compared to the less experienced group in the Digit Span and Corsi BlockTapping tasks, which assess working verbal and visuospatial memories respectively. We con\rmed the botanical identities of Psychotria viridis and Banisteriopsis caapi and the presence of the alkaloids both in the plants and in the brew. Short and long-term ayahuasca consumption does not seem to alter human cognition, while long-term use seems to be associated with improvements in aspects of working memory when compared with short-term use.