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Hundred days of Ayahuasca.

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The values of the New Age seem to threaten the French democracy with their holistic paradigm lived as totalitarian. Cult hunting is also a way to eradicate them, among others. Faced with all these combined perils, France seems to have begun the process of ideas. In this context, religious, therapeutic and freedom of conscience are likely to be diminished. Ayahuasca will not have resisted it for more than a hundred days. The practice of Ayahuasca probably encountered in France the difficult problem of cultural transfer. It can be assumed by reading the Afssaps article which mentions the use of the plant “outside the original traditional context”. On 24 June 2008, a national executive resolution declared that the traditional knowledge and uses of Ayahuasca are now part of Peru’s national and cultural heritage. Interestingly, it is a leading member of the Takiwasi Centre who developed with the Peruvian government the record of recognition of the plant and its practice. In France there has been little progress to date in the status of Ayahuasca. It can be deduced that until there are rigorously protocols for scientific and therapeutic research conducted in our country, we will remain confronted with the difficult question of cultural transfers, with its share of misunderstandings, defiance and ignorance.