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Geography of the Republic of Ecuador


My relations with one of the naturalists who traveled through our country gave me the honor to correspond with the famous Mr. Balbi, who, sending me a compendium of Geografia, told me: “See V. how little Ecuador is in that compendium; paes, despite the interest he inspires me, I have lacked the necessary data: if V. sends me some, they will be very useful to me, because I am thinking about a reprint.” By virtue of this request I dedicated myself to forming a booklet; but unfortunately, before concluding it, I received the news of the death of such an illustrious sage, and my little book was left without that high protection. So, in order not to lose my job, I set out to make it as much as possible and form a Geography of Ecuador, which, although imperfect, contained some ecsact ideas of my country, which has so much neglected this very important branch. Ayahuasca is mentoned on pages 372 and following of the book. Possibly the first indication of auto-experiment with ayahuasca : The operation consists of the following: take a beverage called Ayahuasca (drink of the dead or souls) that is shortly made cooking and drinks it by the Indian who must give the answers or fix the plans. It is often drinked by all the Indians who form the congress: this drink is narcotic, as it should be supposed, and a few moments began to produce the rarest phenomena. I, for my part, say that when I took the ayahuasca I felt headrodeos, then an aircraft journey where I remember the most delicious lespectives, large cities, elevated towers, beautiful parks and other beautiful objects; then I was left in a forest I was accompanied by some beasts, of the flames that defended me; then I had a strong sense of sound of the one I remembered with headache and heaviness and sometimes bad to be general.