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The Judicial Extstence of Entheogenic Churches.


To attend a session with the Santo Daime means going back up that atavic bond with the god that lies inside each of us. Entering communion with this drink allows us to open a channel of communication with the most intimate part of ourselves, with the Self, with the 1 Superior, and to obtain clarity in the most important issues of our existence, to include the wonderful demonstrations of Nature inside and outside of us. The Santo Daime is a teacher plant, which can also offer practical lessons. A good purpose before access to a ritual is to have a few important issues in mind to remember at the culminating moments of spiritual work. The answers you can get in the work represent unforgettable moments of the ceremony, such as real illumination. The Santo Daime is also a plant of care, both material and spiritual, which makes a deep purification of our organism, by cleaning it up of those impurities accumulated in years of life or lives. There are many cases of treatment and it seems to be related to the intentions and intentions of the care professional, the greater the ability to open up and be carried out by the care professional, and the benefits are greater. By inviting a metaphor that Aldous Huxley uses in The Doors of Perception, the man who experience with an enteogen takes a trip to the other end of the world without moving from his chair, crosses a crack into a wall that puts him in contact with the Universe. In the experience with the Santo Daime, man comes and comes from that crack through a path drawn in millennia of history by other men before him.