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Interministerial Mission for Sectary Drift and Control.


At all times, semantic diversion has been performed with talent and efficiency by organizations that had total aims. To hide behind the right to free will to put their hands on consciences is a supreme skill in their eyes. Sectary groups are no exception to this rule. But they must know that if they can fool some spirits here or there, or even enjoy complicity in circumstances, it will not be enough for the state to release its custody. It should be noted that investigations conducted in 2004 and 2005 had led to a ranking of ayahuasca (hallucinogen plant) as an amazing product (decree published in the official newspaper of 3 May 2005). The danger lies in the fact that distributors offer counterfeit products whose effects are not determined. On the proposal of the National Commission on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Drugs, the Minister of Solidarity, Health and Family classified, by decree of 20 April 2005, as narcotic drugs a series of products: Banisteriopsis caapi, Peganum harmala, Psychotria viridis, Diplopterys cabrerana, Mimosa hostilis, Banisteriopsis rushbyana, the harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine (THH), harmol, harmalol, that is, substances included in the preparation of what is generally referred to as “ayahuasca”. Apart from the purely pharmacological reasons that led the members of the Commission to propose this classification, the fact that this substance is essentially taken during the ritual ceremonies of the Church of Santo Daime could not be ignored.