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Religious use of Ayahuasca in Brazil.


Traduction from Brazilian made by Céu da Estrela Brilhante de Salomão The Multidisciplinary Work Group approved the following ethical principles for the religious use of Ayahuasca: 1. Ayahuasca tea is the product of the dection of the Banisteriopsis caapi bine and the Psychotria viridis leaf and its use is restricted to religious rituals, in the premises authorized by the respective directions of the usage entities, prohibits its use associated with illicit psycho substances; 2. The entire process of production, conservation, distribution and consumption of Ayahuasca includes the religious use of beverage, being prohibited from the marketing and or from the collection of any advantage, in cash or in kind, as payment, whether for production, for consumption, with the exception of contributions to the handling and regular operation of each entity, in accordance with its tradition or statutory provisions; 3. The responsible use of Ayahuasca presupposes that extraction of sacred plant species integrates the religious ritual. Each constituted entity will need to seek self-sufficiency at a reasonable price, developing its own culture capable of meeting its needs and avoiding the disappearance of species in the primary forest. The extraction of plant species from the primary forest will have to comply with environmental standards; 4. Entities must avoid offering tourist packs associated with advertising the effects of Ayahuasca, apart from the legitimate exchanges of members of religious entities with their reference communities; 5. Apart from the constitutional right to information, it is recommended that entities avoid advertising of Ayahuasca, in public events, always move towards discretion and moderation in the use and dissemination of its properties; 6. The practice of charlatanism is prohibited by Brazilian legislation. Ayahuasca’s healing and medicinal properties – which entities know and attest – require responsible use and must be understood from a spiritual point of view, avoiding any type of advertising that may induce public opinion and authorities to equivocally; 7. It is recommended that groups using Ayahuasca religious use be established as a legal organisation, led by those responsible with experience in the recognition and cultivation of sacred plant species, the preparation and use of Ayahuasca, and in the conduct of rituals; 8. It is clear from each religious entity's competence to exercise strict control over the entry system of new followers, to interview with interested parties on the ingestion of Ayahuasca, in order to avoid administration to persons with mental problems, as well as persons with alcoholic beverages or other active psycho substances; 9. It is also recommended that a record sheet be kept with the participant’s data and inform it about the principles of the ritual, schedules, standards, and the need to remain in the premises until the end of the ritual and the effects of Ayahuasca. 10. By observing the ethical principles defined here, it is up to each entity and its members indistinctly in the institutional, religious or social relationship that they maintain with each other, in all circumstances, ethics and mutual respect.