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Ayahausca : Between the legal and the natural parts.

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Pages: 57 - 66


Ayahuasca, tea produced by the decocation of the stem of the vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of Chacrona (Psychotria viridis), is a ritualistic hallucinogen that has achieved the current update through several religious doctrines. In Brazil, between the religious traditions that use the drink are Saint Daime, the Barquinha and the Uniao do vegetal. The drink contains the substance N,N-dimethyltriptamine, which psychotropic use is proscribed by the SVS/MS 344/1998 and is considered a drug by Law 11.343/2006. Despite this, the religious use of tea was recognised by the CONAD in 2004 (Resolution 4/2004) and ratified by Resolution 1/2010. From that point on, positions filled with prejudice and lack of scientific justification have been generated. In order to contribute to the discussion, the present work systematically provides the anthropological, pharmacological and legal knowledge of tea.