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Report to the Prime Minister


At the end of the transition carried out in 2008, Miviludes has sought to be fully operational and transparent vis-à-vis both the public authorities and civil society, to which it is accountable for the fulfilment of the tasks assigned to it. This resulted in concrete and lasting achievements in 2009: modernization of work and evaluation tools, restructuring of the General Secretariat, creation of the bimonthly Newsletter, renovation of the site — to be continued in 2010 — organization of a first national conference whose positive spin-offs are already promising, but will also to be aware of new developments in 2010, publication of this report, particularly detailed, and the start of the two actions for the protection of minors due to be completed in 2010: (1) an awareness campaign by means of posters and through the Mission website aimed at parents of school-age children and (2) the publication of a practical guide for all actors involved in the care and protection of minors. In its relations with the ministries concerned, it can welcome decisive results such as the creation of CAIMADES by the Ministry of the Interior, the supervision of the title of psychotherapist and the establishment of the technical support group for the evaluation of non-conventional practices for therapeutic purposes in the Ministry of Health, the strengthening the supervision of vocational training offers by the Ministry of Labour, increasing knowledge of the phenomenon of home-schooling in the Ministry of National Education, among others. This has also led to the intensification of its activity, which we can measure objectively as early as 2010, and already tangible in view of the 2009 agenda set out in this progress report, under the symposiums, seminars, training measures for state officials, and travel to region and internationally. Finally, we should mention our constant collaboration with intelligence, investigation and training services, as well as with international cooperation bodies. This dimension of our mission can only be brought to the public in general and indicative terms. However, it is a great reason for each of the actors concerned for professional satisfaction. In 2009, Miviludes fully responded to the requests of investigators and judges in France and internationally and intended to empower itself to continue to do so, with the required discretion and institutional framework for victims and the general interest.