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Scientific Collection of species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) Floristics and chemical & pharmacological aspects.

Web link: 10.22533/a...


Scientific Collection of Psychotria species - Floristics and Chemical Aspects - aims to contribute to the training of human resources facing scientific research in the area, seeking solutions in Brazilian biodiversity itself. Ten species of Psychotria found in the Ivinema River State Park — MS (PEVRI), Psychotria ances Kunth, P. brachybotrya Müll are addressed. Arg., P. capillacea (Müll. Arg.) Standl., P. carthgenensis Jacq., P. deflexa DC., P. leocarpa Cham. & Schltdl, P. poeppigiana Müll. Arg., P. prunifolia (Kunth) Steyerm., P. tenerior (Cham.) Müll. Arg. and P. vellosiana Benth. This publication does not intend to exhaust the theme but to gather research results for popular use-up scientific work, geographical distribution, botanical description, chemical and pharmacological constituents, providing grants to research, graduate and postgraduate activities. This type of dissemination has already been carried out by numerous scientists in attempting to contribute to the recovery, recovery and rational use of medicinal plants, and contribute to the definition of priorities for research, with optimisation of time and resources involved.