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Cofán-curaca in trouble – About the controversy between the indigenous Cofan and Alberto Varela (Ayahuasca International)

Web link: www.neip.i...


The use of the sacred plant Yajé (Ayahuasca) among the indigenous Cofán (Southern Colombia) is deeply rooted within their local cultural context and linked to complex ethics. For quite some time now Alberto Varela’s organization Ayahuasca International has been offering Ayahuasca ceremonies in different countries and has also been training therapists for their work with Ayahuasca. Neither the way in which apprenticeships are carried out by Ayahuasca International nor the format of their ceremonies are in line with the Cofán’s Yagé ethics. Nonetheless, referring to two documents allegedly signed by Cofán-curaca Taita Querubin, Varela claims he served an apprenticeship with the Cofán. Leading representatives of this indigenous people, however, challenge the authenticity of those documents. Irrespective of the issue whether the documents are authentic or faked, the conflict between the Cofán and Ayahuasca International can be called symptomatic of Ayahuasca‘s growing globalization as it reflects a number of fundamental issues.