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Some Anthropological Aspects of Yage

Pages: 108 - 115


In the Jivaro traditions, representative of the ritual use of yage among the many tribes of the upper Orinoco and up­ per Amazon rivers, we see the use of a psychedelic drug as an integral part of community life. The extent to which yage plays a role in the culture of South American Indian tribes is indicated by Villavicencio in his geography of Ecuador, written in 1858. Yage is used, he reported, to foresee and answer accurately in difficult cases, be it to reply op­ portunely to ambassadors from other tribes in a question of war; to decipher plans of the enemy through the medium of this magic drink and take proper steps for attack and defense; to ascertain, when a relative is sick, what sorcerer has put on the hex; to carry out a friendly visit to other tribes; to welcome foreign travelers or, at least, to make sure of the love of their womenfolk.