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Medicinas de la selva, consubstancialidad y parentesco simbólico / Medicines of the jungle, consubstantiality and symbolic kinship.

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Pages: 189 - 217


The theme of this article is the alliance between leaders of the indigenous people of Ywanawá (Pano), of the indigenous land Rio Gregorio, state of Acre (Brazil), and the family of the leaders of an urban church of the Santo Daime, located in Rio de Janeiro. The problem I raise is the formation of the alliance between these various actors, associated with the consumption of forest medicines, with ideologies of consusability and kinship production (symbolic and effective). The objective of the article is to present a historic picture of the formation of the alliance and to treat its sociological and cosmological meanings. The data were collected in field work at an urban church of the Santo Daime in Rio de Janeiro from July 2015 to March 2017, and in twenty days in the indigenous land Rio Gregorio, in July 2016.