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Transcultural Keys: Humor, Creativity and Other Relational Artifacts in the Transposition of a Brazilian Ayahuasca Religion to the Netherlands

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Pages: 363 - 387


This chapter retakes the central ideas of a paper I presented at the 30th Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in July 2009. It expands the analysis of the social and cosmic dimensions of a process of ‘re-ritualization’ inspired by the knowledge of ‘traditional populations’ in urban-industrial societies.’ We saw how the humor, playfulness, and performativity in Santo Daime, enables participants to generate intimacy with the divine, the spiritual plane, and each other, while building competence, authenticity, and authority. On the other hand, ritualized forms and ritual communication  itself may be seen as devices to overcome the difficulties of crosscultural communication, deploying a religious agency that is much more a explorative search than an institutionalized, controlled common sense.