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The Pharmacodynamics of Caapi

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Pages: 98 - 99


Within a very short time after drinking the decoction, there is a powerful effect on the nervous system and on the circulation. The cutaneous circulation is checked, as manifested by a strong pallor. The subject is restless, and occupies a standing position. There is an intensely anxious or fixed expression to the countenance, and there are convulsive tremors. This condition lasts but a few minutes and is followed by a violent reaction, in which the blood rushes to the surface and the man becomes highly or even violently active. Fear, and even prudence, is entirely destroyed and he becomes extremely active muscularly. He is ready to fight anything and anybody, or any number of enemies and suffering is disregarded. He rushes about and seeks an enemy with the utmost eagerness. This condition lasts for hours, and is followed by more or less exhaustion and somnolence. The nature of this somnolence is in doubt. Some accounts indicate it is a narcotic effect and that there are unnatural dreams and visions. Others indicate that it is the natural reaction following weariness or exhaustion.