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Diversidad biologica del sudeste de la Amazonia Peruana: Avances en la Investigacion / Biological diversity of the southeast of the Peruvian Amazon: Advances in Research.


The biodiversity of an area is an indicator of the forest conservation status and the services it provides. In the case of the southeast of the Amazon, particularly the Purús-Manu corridor, the diversity it houses is well known. These forests provide good food, whether fauna, fish, or fruit to communities living on the corridor. This is evident according to information on vulnerability to food insecurity in Ucayali and Mother of God that shows that every Mother of God and much of Ucayali have very low, low or half vulnerability to food insecurity. Only the districts of Iparia and Tahuania in Ucayali are highly vulnerable to food insecurity. For the nearly 80 native communities of Purus and Yurua, the importance of a good forest and fauna for their survival and nutrition is evident. A recent threat has appeared in this area and is the change in temperature, rainfall, and seasonality in general, which has caused variation in cycles of abundance of fish and wildlife in general. These changes are causing the death of local crops and affecting the provision of food in communities, who in turn are adapting and preparing for climate change, as is the case with the Huni Kuin community of Purus. This book documents the presence and abundance of vertebrates using different census techniques. In the Purús area, the list of land mammals is probably already complete with 69 species. These mammals have been in very good shape according to the camera camera camera. The case of birds is similar and it is estimated that there would be 460 species of birds, a remarkable but at the same time expected to be an Amazonian place in the second country with the highest diversity of birds such as Peru. Among the birds we find the paujil, a bird hunted very often, which is an indicator of the good conservation status of the area. Similarly, the great diversity of amphibians (124 species) and reptiles (93 species) places this area as one of the most diverse in this group in the southeast of the Amazon. And what to say about the fish in the Peruvian part that would reach about 300 species. In short, the Purús Manu corridor is one of the most biodiverse areas in the Peruvian Amazon.