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Ayahuasca Drinkers among the Chama Indians.

Pages: 36 - 50


*©1965 by Psychedelic Review, Leary, Metzner, Weil, Morrow, eds. Reprinted by permission. The half-civilized Chama Indians, sturdy fellows, who today specialize in drawing mahogany and cedar logs for the sawmills in Iquitos, undergo a "purge" of ayahusca before they enter the flooded areas of the forest to float out the logs and assemble them into tremen dous rafts. For a cure of that nature they prepare themselves by a prolonged diet, avoiding meat, salt, alcohol, and sugar. Aside from the main use of the drug for curing or keeping the consumer in good general condition ayahuasca will, according to its users, induce clair voyance and may, for example, solve a theft or prophecy the success or failure of a given enterprise.