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Native Use and Occurence of N,N-Dimethyltryptanline in the Leaves of Banisteriopsis Rusbyana

Pages: 137 - 147


In concurrence with Deulofeu, the authors felt that the finding of DMT to the exclusion of harmine and harmaline, in B. Rusbyana by Poisson was indeed interesting and unusual and, therefore, begged further confirmation. When the opportunity arose to obtain sufficient material for preliminary phytochemical examination on authentic material, this work was undertaken. Firstly, it has been re-established that yet another tribe of South American Indians viz. the Kofans of East Ecuador, use B. Rusbyana leaves in admixture with B. Caapi in the preparation of yaje. Secondly, the ceremonial use is still extant in the tribe and, thirdly, DMT to the exclusion of the harmala alkaloids has been identified as perhaps the active principle of the leaf.