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Defending Perceptual Diversity in America: Entheogens as Legitimate Contributors to Learning, Health and Empathy

Pages: 40


Cognitively monophasic cultures such as America are those that officially deny institutional incorporation of any subtle or substantial concepts or products derived from mental states beyond a prescribed range of typically waking states of consciousness. These altered states of consciousness (ASC) offer great advantages to those who experience them, yet many approaches to such fulfilment require investments of time and skill training. Importantly, many such approaches do not offer ASC of greatest ecstatic intensity and revelatory insight. Psychoactive substances known as entheogens, however, do just that. They may even be the original inspiration or catalysts of religion and therefore science itself. They offer cognitively monophasic cultures various therapeutic effects and temporary excursions into polyphasic experience, without total lifestyle revisions and expenditures of precious time, thereby allowing them increased adaptive capacities to holistically restructure their worldviews and also heightened senses of self-awareness and empathy while remaining an integral part of their immediate culture. However, they will only do this is positively sanctioned, and, they have been and will continue to be used whether or not they are illegal. Historical and modern members of Western culture have learned volumes about consciousness potentials via religiously sanctioned entheogenic rituals, psychedelic clinical therapy, and private experimentation. American citizens have access to legal information necessary for petitioning the Supreme Court to recognize their liberty to use entheogens for religious practice or medicine, however, a criminalizing cognitive prejudice yet exists in America, emplaced by religion-biased DEA controls on entheogenic substances. Forward-thinking regulated facilitation of them, for culturally relative, health promoting, and responsible intellectual usage, might best be administered by psychiatric anthropologists and clinical psychiatrists. These specialists have been extensively and intensively trained in varying cultural and physiological mechanisms, respectively, and they may be further trained for societyappropriate entheogenic care giving. In such a near future, America would abide the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.