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Pharmacotheon : entheogenic drugs, their plant sources and history


In the three years since the publication of Pharmacotheon, the astonishing revival ofinterest in archaic religion, which I meanwhile dubbed the Entheogenic Reformation (Ott 1994A; Ott 1995B), has continued with undiminished force, accruing momentum. The resurgence in use of shamanic inebriants, which is the most visible manifestation of this astonishing historical atavism-this unprecedented "archaic revival" (McKenna 1991)-shows no signs of abating, and is most decidedly not some new-age fad, however devoutly the forces of repression might wish it to be. Since this book was written, the " Reagan-Bush Dark Ages" drew to a dismal close. Even in the United States, which appropriated the dark mantle ofthe Pharmacratic Inquisition from its erst while bearers, the federal government has grudgingly opened the vault a crack, to limited renewed research of entheogens; and legislated full federal legal exemption of sacramental peyotl use (see Chapter r) from its anti-drug' laws! Without yet fully apprehending it, the imperialistic government on the Potomac has breached its drug-war frontlines, opening the floodgates to eventual legal use of sacramental entheogens by all its citizens. In the meantime, in Europe, joint and several movements toward drug decriminalization, legalization, "flexible enforcement" of existing laws, humane treatment of users, etc., gather steam in various countries, threatening to leave the U.S. War on Drugs Juggernaut spinning its flat and treadless tires in the dust at the rear of the column. Pharmacotheon, with virtually no publicity and hampered by its weighty size, high price and information density, has established itself as a standard reference work in entheobotany, and I am pleased to offer this "densified" (if not physically expanded) and fully-updated second edition, with 130 new citations in the bibliography and many more additions. Withal, I might malre bold to foretell by signs and ponents, that the entheogenic genie is out of the bottle for good, never again to be confined nor obscured!