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Amazonian shamanism and the Western world: between encouragement and warning

Web link: www.takiwa...

Pages: 26 - 31


Initiation is a long and slow process that requires the integration of experiences at various levels (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and in which a Westerner cannot simply ignore their own culture. Instead of escaping to another world, it is about reintegrating one’s own roots and reconciling with oneself and one’s "ancestors", which, for a Westerner, also means recovering Judeo-Christian cultural foundations. Diverting through an ancestral culture may be appropriate for a Westerner on the condition that they are preparing to return "home". The prior or simultaneous acquisition of a training in accompaniment or, better said, of a profession that includes a therapeutic dimension, seems essential to me. The shamanic experience must be prepared beforehand, to then be conducted in a symbolic container and finally to be followed by additional stages of integration of the lived experience. Therefore, it requires a specific space. In these conditions, the Spirit, who breathes where it wants and when it wants, can inspire therapeutic vocational callings, which may originate from different cultures, but which all speak of the eternal Man.