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Notes on the use of plant hallucinogens in Amazonian Brazil

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Pages: 62 – 68


My experience in Brazil (most recently in 1968-9) has been primarily as a taxonomist making systematic collections of herbarium specimens. While engaged in field work in various areas of the Amazon region, I encountered utilization of two known hallucinogens in two new localities and was able to make notes about their use and collect botanical specimens of the source plants. Some of this account will duplicate what has already been written. It may also be somewhat limited, because I was engaged in taxonomic field work rather than ethnobotanical research. I hope, nevertheless, that these notes will stimulate other field workers to add to ethnobotanical knowledge by observing primitive uses of plants, recording details, and collecting material adequate to identify the plants accurately. Those who have taken the beverage referred to having seen particularly bright colors and large sized objects and animals, particularly snakes and jaguars. Some people reported seeing cities which they had never visited and described ocean liners and large stores, etc., in considerable detail. I met an air force captain who had once taken movies to show at Tarauac~ to the Indians up river. He said that the Indians were ,distinctly disappointed by the movies (one a cowboy film, and the other a documentary about Brazil). They told him that they had seen all that and even more while under the influence of cip6, and they said that in the future they would use cipo instead.