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Gideon of the Lakotas


You don’t need to be an ancient Mayan prophet to know that the world we know is about to end. What used to be an exclusively religious subject is now widely observed by modern science. Planet earth is undergoing a massive change. Scientists agree that the earth will survive, but what about humans? Aged old clichéd questions such as “Who am I?” and “What am I doing here?” have become more relevant for us than ever before. Which way to turn to? Science or spirituality? In shamanism one does not need to choose one over the other. They walk hand in hand. Shamanism does not exclude a particular field of knowledge, but incorporates everything. Shamanism is integration. God and science are not separate entities. Is God about to strike down and punish the wicked? I certainly thought so while growing up in a strict protestant household. Or are humans simply experiencing the basic laws of cause and effect? The effects of their own choices? In ancient times whenever a tribesperson fell sick or was experiencing existential issues they would seek the help and advice of the tribe’s Shaman, their spiritual leader. And the shaman, using a variety of tools and knowledge would isolate the problem and offer a solution, an alternative, and balance would be restored. His tools would include prayers, drumming and the use of a variety of power plants. Humans are presently experiencing a massive collective unbalance, especially here in the Western world. By leaning too heavily on the intellect and on basic survival we’ve forgotten our roots. We’ve forgotten who we truly are. There are many solutions for this, many spiritual paths or tools in order to restore balance. You could meditate for fifty years in a Tibetan monastery and achieve enlightenment. But who’s got fifty years to spare nowadays? In a few short hours Ayahuasca can help you obtain the same results. The Master Power Plant Ayahuasca offers the fastest route to health and balance. Mid 2009 I hit rock bottom. I had tried everything, church, spiritual charlatans, atheism, money, sex, drugs and alcohol. Every where I went I did not find anything to truly fill the emptiness and loneliness I felt inside. I only found excitement of the senses and empty promises of a brighter tomorrow. Never a brighter right Now. The stories I read about Jesus, the Divine Mother, and the spiritual world all moved me greatly and seemed very nice in theory. But I longed for a real contact, a real experience. July 4th, 2009, the American Independence day, was the day my soul literally cried out for independence. I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. After communing the sacred drink known as Santo Daime or Ayahuasca, the theory became a reality. I had finally had a real conscious experience with the Divine. Never before had I felt so much happiness, love and fulfillment. I was finally home. Shaman Gideon of the Lakotas together with his army of Free Souls and the divine approval of the Great Spirit has once again brought us the sacred science of the forest. The fast track to finding out who we are, and why we are here. My wish is that everyone who reads these pages may do so with an open mind, there’s no time for pride anymore. Open up your hearts and let the wine of souls quench your existential thirst. As Gideon always says, it is bitter to the tongue but sweet to the soul.