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Ayahuasca - Soul Medicine of the Amazon Jungle. A comprehensive and Practical Guide.


It has been over ten years since I first began writing this book. Back then Ayahuasca was just beginning to become the global medicine that it is today, and the writing of that first manuscript came out of a wish to dispel what I perceived to be some widespread confusion and misunderstanding about this medicine. Ten years later this reason seems to me more valid than ever: the rising popularity of this medicine is an invitation to approach this process with greater responsibility and awareness so that we can keep engaging with it in the future. In addition to the original manuscript, which was written in order to support people in reaping the most benefits from this medicine while honoring both its traditional Amazonian roots and our present day needs and psychological make-up, I have added two final chapters devoted to our challenges in regards to sustaining a culture of safe and respectful use of this ancestral medicine. As people in the Amazon need to go further and further into the jungle in order to harvest Ayahuasca vines for the local and global market, it seems more relevant than ever to approach this medicine aware of the fact that it takes years before this plant can be harvested, as well as the repercussions, ecological, ecologic, economic, and cultural, in the Amazon region of our desire to engage with this medicine. One simple way to address the issue of sustainability is not to take this medicine for granted in the same way that we do with any commercial medication or substance, and approach it each and every time with utmost respect and a sincere desire to heal rather than just entertain ourselves at the expense of important natural and cultural resources. In my writing this book there is an implicit trust that we can indeed exercise the necessary maturity and personal responsibility so that this medicine can keep healing and blessing us and our descendants for as long as we may wish, and hopefully this book will help you make sensible choices and consequently make the most of this wonderful medicine.